Mission International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) – serving the people of Central Asia by enhancing human capital and environmental security.

The main goal of IFAS is the accumulation of financial resources, the development and financing of water-ecological and scientific-practical projects and programs aimed at the environmental improvement of areas affected by the Aral catastrophe and the solution of socio-economic problems of the Central Asian region.

The International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea was created by the decision of the Heads of State of Central Asia, adopted on January 4, 1993 in Tashkent, and operates on the basis of the Regulation approved on April 9, 1999 in Ashgabat. At the same time, on March 26, 1993, in the city of Kyzylorda, the foundation of IFAS, the first joint international organization for the young republics of Central Asia, was laid.

In 1997, the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) and the Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development (ICSD) were included in the IFAS. Thus, the Fund’s mandate included issues of interstate relations in the area of ​​water resources and environmental protection.

Despite all the difficulties of the transition period after gaining independence, IFAS and its structural divisions during this period were able to provide a regional platform for dialogue and cooperation to solve the most pressing problems of the region related to water and the environment. The activities of IFAS contribute to the development of long-term interstate relations in the region, strengthening regional cooperation and intersectoral management of natural ecosystems.

Executive Directorate of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Executive Directorate of IFAS in the Republic of Kazakhstan), in accordance with its Regulation, assists in solving urgent problems and coordinating practical measures to improve the water management, socio-economic and environmental situation in the Kazakh part of the Aral Sea basin.

The Executive Directorate of IFAS in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a territorial permanent working body of the Executive Committee of IFAS. In accordance with the Agreement on the status of IFAS and its organization, approved by the Heads of State of Central Asia on April 09, 1999 and ratified by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 8, 2010, the Executive Directorate of IFAS in the Republic of Kazakhstan has the status of an international organization and has the corresponding immunities and privileges.

In the context of the established goal, the following tasks are solved:

  • ensuring the practical implementation of decisions of the Heads of State of Central Asia, the President of the Fund, the Board of IFAS and the Executive Committee of IFAS (Executive Committee of IFAS) on the problems of the Aral Sea basin in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • implementation of projects and programs in the Aral Sea basin;
  • attracting financial and other resources from international and regional organizations and funds, financial institutions, donor countries, foreign and domestic business structures and ensuring their targeted use;
  • assistance in the work of the Interstate Coordination Water Management Commission (ICWC) and the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD);
  • preparation of materials for meetings of the IFAS Board and the IFAS Executive Committee.

The activities of the Executive Directorate of IFAS in the Republic of Kazakhstan are carried out in the following areas:


Cooperation with interested government agencies and departments, local executive bodies;


Interaction with research and design institutes, universities, leading experts in the water management industry, production associations, and investors;


Partnership with international and regional organizations, financial institutions and the donor community.

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