Mukataev Serikaliy Mukhametkarimovich
Mukataev Serikali Mukhametkarimovich has been the Director of the Executive Directorate of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in the Republic of Kazakhstan since February 20, 2024. Mukataev S.M. has extensive experience in senior positions in water management organizations; from 2010 to 2019, he headed the Balkhash-Alakol Basin Inspectorate for the Protection and Use of Water Resources, and also worked as Deputy of the Water Resources Committee and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.
As Director of the Executive Directorate:
- ensures the practical implementation of decisions of the Heads of State of Central Asia, the President of the Fund, the Board of IFAS and the Executive Committee of IFAS (Executive Committee of IFAS) on the problems of the Aral Sea basin in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- organizes the work of the Executive Directorate of IFAS and bears personal responsibility for the performance of the duties assigned to it, determines the powers and activities of the employees of the Executive Directorate and its branches;
- issues orders within its competence and on the basis of decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Executive Committee of the IFAS, organizes inspections and their implementation, takes measures to expand the activities of the Executive Directorate;
- hires and fires employees, approves the system of remuneration and incentives for employees, and imposes disciplinary sanctions.
- organizes the accumulation of financial resources, forms groups for the implementation of projects for the development and financing of water-ecological and scientific-practical projects and programs aimed at the environmental recovery of areas affected by the Aral catastrophe and the solution of socio-economic problems of the Central Asian region.
Narbaev Marat Tursynbekovich
Provides general management in the direction of "Water Resources". Organizes the development of strategic documents, programs and projects in the field of use of water resources of the Aral-Syrdarya basin. Makes proposals to improve the water legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the Law on the Safety of Hydraulic Structures and Integrated Water Resources Management. Participates in the monitoring and implementation of state programs, promotes the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the "Green Economy" model.
Interacts with international organizations, government agencies, business structures and funds. Provides representation in international organizations, provides consulting services. Implements pilot projects on rational use of water resources, introduction of water-saving technologies, automation of water distribution and monitoring of hydraulic structures. Promotes the attraction of advanced technologies and methodologies to the water sector of Kazakhstan.
Temirbek Saule Kayumkovyna
General management of the Department. Director of the Aral Geopark. Leads social projects aimed at improving the quality of life and introducing scientific achievements into the public sphere. As the Director of the Aral Geopark, is responsible for the preservation of natural heritage, popularization of science and tourism, and the development of local communities. Maintains contact and works with representatives of the local administration, akimats, and NGOs. Develops partnerships with national and international organizations to implement projects on sustainable development and nature conservation.
Works at the IFAS Publishing House in the Republic of Kazakhstan since March 2024
Alisher Saidovich Umarov
Organization of employee placement, zoning and ensuring efficient use of premises. Organization and control of material and technical support for the activities of the organization's employees. Organization of corporate and business events. Administrative and economic support and support for the organization's activities.
Bayseitov Almaz Kayrmashevych
Organization and coordination of pilot projects (events) to address issues of social and administrative nature
Aitakynova Indira Bektursynovna
Monitors the timely execution of orders, instructions and instructions of the director.
Maintains records of the personnel of the Executive Directorate and its subdivisions in accordance with standardized forms of primary documentation.
Processes the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations and orders of the director, as well as other established personnel documentation.
Has been working at the IFAS Publishing House since 2024.
Chengelbaeva Alma Mukhamedovna
Provision of methodological and consulting services in the field of socio-economic development.
Organization and coordination of pilot projects (events) to address socio-economic issues – increasing employment in rural areas, improving access to drinking water, improving the quality of medical care provided to the population, raising the level of education, etc.
Assistance in attracting advanced foreign methodology and technologies that contribute to improving the well-being of the population of the Aral Sea region.
Kenshimov Amirkhan Kadyrbekovich
Graduated from the hydromelioration faculty of the Dzhambul hydromelioration and construction institute, specializing in hydraulic engineer. Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.
Batyrov Shardarbek Zhakypovich
Organization and coordination of pilot projects and events aimed at solving problems in the social and administrative sphere. Includes the development, implementation and monitoring of initiatives aimed at increasing the efficiency of administrative processes, improving the quality of social services and introducing innovative approaches.
Akim Uldana Sakypzhankyzy
Chief Specialist of the Department of Ecology and Sustainable Development
• Conducting work to support environmental and social projects of the Directorate. Ensuring interaction with the branch and structural divisions of the Directorate on Department issues. Interaction with officials of government agencies and other organizations. Monitoring the quality of design work and compliance with the rules for conducting design work in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
• Preparation of proposals for the Department's work plans. Preparation of proposals for improving the qualifications of the Department's employees. Participation in the development of pre-project and project documentation, development of technical specifications for the Directorate's projects. Control over the proper execution of the Department's project contracts in progress.
Works at the IFAS Publishing House in the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2017
Aimaganbetova Gauhar Elubayevna
Chief Specialist of the Project Bureau. Area of activity: organization and coordination of implementation of strategic projects, including management of resources, deadlines and budget, analysis and evaluation of current and planned projects, identification, evaluation and management of risks associated with project implementation, organization of a monitoring system and reporting on project implementation.
Junusova Gulmira Kenjegulovna
Organizes accounting of financial and economic activities and controls the economical use of material, labor and financial resources, and the safety of the enterprise’s property;
Forms an accounting policy in accordance with the legislation on accounting, based on the structure and characteristics of the enterprise’s activities, and the need to ensure its financial stability;
Leads the work on the preparation and adoption of the working chart of accounts, forms of primary accounting documents used to formalize business transactions for which standard forms are not provided, the development of forms of internal accounting documents, as well as ensuring the procedure for conducting inventories
Zhilikbaeva Moldir Berikovna
Accepts primary documents, checks that they are filled in correctly and that all necessary details are present;
Prepares initial data for drawing up cost estimates. Participates in reviewing the ID work plans.
Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of economic information.
Kyzylorda branch of the ID IFAS in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Utegenov Erkin Amandakovich
— ensuring the practical implementation of the Council of Heads of State of Central Asia, the President of the Fund and the Board of IFAS on the problems of the Aral Sea basin, concerning the Republic of Kazakhstan and in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Committee of IFAS;
— implementation of projects and programs in the Aral Sea basin;
— assistance in the work of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) and the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD);
— participation in the organization, development and implementation of projects and programs on the problems of the Aral Sea basin; interaction with international organizations, donor countries, funds, ministries, departments, public, environmental and other organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
— to act on behalf of the OF under a general power of attorney;
- represents the interests of the branch and the branch office in all bodies, enterprises and organizations%;
— conclude contracts, issue one-time powers of attorney;
- perform other actions and duties imposed by law and the PF.
Baykenzheev Askarbek Imankululy
- High-quality execution of documents and materials on issues within the competence of the branch; assistance in the development of strategic documents, concepts, programs, project proposals and documents in the field of integrated use of water resources of the Aral-Syrdarya water management basin.
- Submitting proposals to improve legislation in the field of integrated water resources management and safety of hydraulic structures.
- Ensuring the implementation of work on issues of monitoring and implementation of ASBP.
Representative office in Aral and Kazalinsky districts
Seytov Alimzhan Sueubayevich
Organization of cooperation and interaction with business structures, non-governmental organizations of the Aral region, as well as similar structures and organizations in general in the Kyzylorda region.